Upside down emoji meaning

Upside down emoji meaning and using

Social media has gained much reputation in recent times and it has been so common to write on social media. People write their messages as well as they use strange and colorful emojis. Upside down emoji is one of this colorful emojis. Upside down emoji meaning is generally related to a sense of silliness. As it is the flipped version of smile emoji, it has a strange look. So people may prefer to use it to express their strange mood.

Making Irony

Making Irony

Some people think that upside down emoji meaning may be related to ironical expressions. For example, you make a silly joke, and you know it is not funny. If your friend sends this emoji as a reply, he may be making irony. He may say things like, haha it is very funny or you are so funny. In this case, he may want to say it is not funny at all. Another example: You are planning a birthday party and say that you are very excited to your friend. If he writes things like “Yes, I am so excited, too!” or “I have never been so excited as I am now.” And adds this emoji, he is probably making irony, and he wants to say he isn’t excited and he doesn’t care your party much.

Doing Something Strange

Doing Something Strange

It is known that upside down emoji is the flipped version of smile emoji. So it is not much difference. Upside down emoji meaning is that the person who uses this emoji wants to do something strange and surprise others. For example,  someone may get this emoji when he makes a joke. The person who sends this emoji as a reply wants to express that he is smiling, but also he may want to make the joker surprised.

Going Crazy

Sometimes people go crazy and thus upside down emoji meaning may be the expression of craziness. People do things without thinking when they go crazy. We can see this emoji at the end of the expressions like “What a beautiful day! I feel crazy!” or “Let’s get wild this evening!”. While they are writing about their amazing plans such as Halloween party or something else, they can use this emoji at the end of their texts.

Teasing Someone

Teasing Someone

Upside down emoji meaning may be that someone is teasing you. As the smiling character is flipped, that may mean someone is smiling but it is not an innocent smile. If you see this emoji at the end of the expressions including teasing words about someone, the person might be teasing. For example, you are in a dialogue with your friend. He is talking about your mistakes, faults and how you feel funny. He also sends this emoji. In this case, your friend is probably teasing you. If he is not your close friend and you feel embarrassed, you can warn him not to write these kinds of things.

“It Is Not Funny”

“It Is Not Funny”

Although it is not common usage, upside down emoji meaning is also about saying “It is not funny.” As it is a flipped smiling face and the meaning of smile face is positive, the meaning of upside down emoji may be regarded as negative. If you get this emoji from someone after you make a joke that is not funny, the person may want to say that it is not funny. You can see the same emoji on social media. If someone says something that is not liked by people, they may react while using this emoji. In this case, they want to say that they don’t like what that person wrote.

It May Be A Mistype

It May Be A Mistype

Upside down emoji meaning may not be related to anything we wrote above. It may be that the person has just mistyped. So if you get this emoji from your friend, you shouldn’t think wrong at first. He might have mistyped. Maybe he wanted to write smile emoji, but he sent this emoji by a mistake. Sometimes these kinds of things happen. When you get this emoji, you can ask your friend what he means. Then, he will realize his mistake if he mistyped it.

Putting It Near Smile Emoji

Doing Something Strange

Some people send smile emoji much more than one. So if you get one smile emoji and one upside down emoji, the person may prefer sending different emojis instead of sending two smile emojis. It is a way of making a difference.

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