Raised hands emoji meaning

Raised hands emoji meaning and using

Emojis have been part of our lives with the increasing popularity of social media. These emojis are preferred very much while texting. Raised hands emoji is one of that popular emojis. That is why raised hands emoji meaning is wondered. It is regarded as a celebration of something.


Raised hands emoji meaning is related to the celebration of anything in someone’s life. For example, you can send raised hands emoji to your friend if he bought a new car. Parents may want to celebrate the success of their kids. Raised hands emoji can be sent to those who married. Celebrating the success of people around you is good. That means you consider what is happening in their lives. If you do that, they will also celebrate your success. You will be happy when you get raised hands emoji.

Number Ten

Number Ten

Apart from the celebration, raised hands emoji meaning may be related to the number ten. As we can see two hands raised up in the air, it may be considered as number ten. Although it may not be understood at first, the person may want to say it indirectly. When you ask a question to your friend, and the answer is about ten, you may get this emoji. He may prefer to use this instead of writing 10.

Requesting To Say Something

It is commonly known that students raise their hands before they speak something in the classroom. That means they want to say something. Raised hands emoji meaning may be thought that the person wants to say something.

Saying Goodbye

Saying Goodbye

People sometimes raise their hands before they leave each other. That is regarded as saying goodbye. Raised hands emoji meaning may also be considered as saying goodbye. If your conversation came to an end, your friend might send this emoji to you.

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