Emojis have been very popular with people. We see those colorful and interesting emojis, especially on social media. Kiss emoji is preferred much by people. Kiss emoji meaning is related to kissing someone, kissing a lover, expressing love, flirting, texting, making compliments, and saying goodbye.
Kissing Lover
Couples and lovers send kiss emoji to each other very much. When they aren’t together, they send text messages to each other. They often write love words or they miss each other to express their love. They usually use kiss emoji in their messages to show their love as well: “I miss you very much.” “I am looking forward to meeting you!” In these situations, kiss emoji meaning is about expressing love in a romantic relationship.
Expressing Love
Love is not only in romantic relationships but also everywhere in life. Love can be about anything or anyone. Parents love their children; children also love their parents, some people like animals, some of them love nature. We can write many examples. Kiss emoji can be used in all these situations to express love to the things or people that we love. For example, a person who feeds the cat in his home takes a picture of his cat and shares it on his social media profile. He can add a comment something like that: “I love you cutie!” He can put kiss emoji at the end of this message. Kiss emoji meaning is about showing love.
Kiss emoji is often used while flirting. Guys and girls both send this emoji to each other while they are flirting. If you got this emoji from a guy, he wants to say that he likes you. If you like him too, you can send him this emoji. Kiss emoji is used a lot in dating apps. Guys send kiss emoji to the girls if they like their photos. Girls reply the messages of those guys that they like. They start flirting and start a relationship. Kiss emoji meaning is related to flirting.
Making Compliments
Kiss emoji meaning is related to the usage of it in messages when people make compliments to someone or something. They can use this emoji about anything that they like. For example, a woman shares a photo and one of her friends likes her bag very much. She writes: “Your bag is so nice. I like it!”. Another friend of her can write something like that: “You are wonderful!” Another example: Someone who feeds a bird in his home. He takes pictures of his bird and shares it on his profile. He can get a comment like these: “Your bird is nice!” “It is so cute.” “It is beautiful. I like it.”
Saying Goodbye
Especially couples kiss each while saying goodbye before they leave. They do the same thing while they are writing messages. If the conversation has ended, they can write goodbye and put kiss emoji at the end of their message. In this case, kiss emoji meaning is “see you later and kiss you.”